“The Resistance”
A rag-tag but growing collection of Prevailists are beginning to fight back against a technological revolution that they see as having gone astray, according to this article in The Washington […]
The Prevail Project is the worldwide clearing house for news about how humans are trying to shape technological change, rather than be shaped by it. This species has a long way to go, and a short time to get there. A critical response is to collect every solution that is being attempted, and get the news out as fast as possible about what is working. This section celebrates the people, organization, and plans that are bringing into being a new world.
A rag-tag but growing collection of Prevailists are beginning to fight back against a technological revolution that they see as having gone astray, according to this article in The Washington […]
We try and stay out of partisan politics here at the Prevail Project, because nobody is right on the internet and everybody goes home with their feelings hurt. The Democratic […]
Tomorrow, Google is sponsoring a debate in London called “Hip-Hop on Trial” to consider the proposition that “Hip-Hop Doesn’t Enhance Society, It Degrades It.” The event will be streaming live […]
In 2011 Ray Kurzweil made headlines for pointing out that solar energy technologies had been subject to the Law of Accelerated Returns for the past two decades. “It is amazing […]
Here at Prevail, we care deeply about the future. And a big part of caring about the future is caring about our collective images of the future, the questions that […]
Prior to 2010, I did not consider online gaming a likely venue in which to witness state-of-the-art anti-globalization activism, 4th generational warfare, or organized resistance to global institutions. But then I participated in Jane McGonigal’s 2010 World Bank Institute collaboration, Urgent […]
From the New York Times: The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation reversed its decision to cut funds for breast cancer screenings at Planned Parenthood affiliates and apologized, saying […]
I hate traffic, you hate traffic, we all hate traffic, but we can’t do anything about it because we are traffic. The conventional wisdom, at least, my conventional wisdom on […]
Cyberculture luminary R.U. Sirius has done a great interview with Joel and Jamais about the Prevail Project, and what we’re trying to accomplish. As Joel says, “Politics, in its most useful incarnation, […]
When the idea for creating The Prevail Project first formed, I wondered if I could get away with calling it “The Institute for Ethical Magic.” As my daughters were growing […]