One of the Best Prevail Speeches Ever
One of the most remarkable memes for The Prevail Project recently is expressed in, of all sources, The Good Place — the widely acclaimed, award-winning American television series broadcast by […]
Joel Garreau is the director of The Prevail Project. He is the author of “Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies — And What It Means to Be Human” (Doubleday), and the Professor of Law, Culture and Values at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. He has long-time served as a member of the pioneering scenario-planning firm Global Business Network, and a reporter and editor at The Washington Post. For more, check out:
One of the most remarkable memes for The Prevail Project recently is expressed in, of all sources, The Good Place — the widely acclaimed, award-winning American television series broadcast by […]
By Joel Garreau Optimism and pessimism about the future is the new political divide. It is the defining political conflict of the 21st century. Optimists and pessimists about the future […]
Microsoft recently built a proto-AI “teen girl” bot, TayandYou, who became a horrific racist monster in hours, as you may know. The astounding thing is this multi-zillion-dollar company let it […]
A rag-tag but growing collection of Prevailists are beginning to fight back against a technological revolution that they see as having gone astray, according to this article in The Washington […]
When the idea for creating The Prevail Project first formed, I wondered if I could get away with calling it “The Institute for Ethical Magic.” As my daughters were growing […]
Talk about time compression. The Flip video camera went from being a red-shot start-up in 2007, to a best-selling item, to a half-billion-dollar acquisition target, to defunct, in only four years. […]
There are two kinds of critters on this planet. One produces zillions of offspring, then pays scant attention to them, playing the odds that some will survive. The other produces […]