Michael Burnam-Fink

To these Thai fruit vendors, a train roaring through the middle of their makeshift market, coming inches away from their lychees — and their toes — is just another part […]

For most of the planet’s population, migration is not an option. Even as sea levels rise and deserts expand, resettling hundreds of millions or billions of refugees is not politically […]

This robot seagull has incredible elegance and style. Festo – SmartBird Aerodynamic SmartBird flight model – Bird flight deciphered: http://www.festo.com/smartbird_en Aerodynamisches Flugmodell SmartBird – Vogelflug entschlüsselt: http://www.festo.com/smartbird_de ——————————————————————————–­­————————- SmartBird is […]

Twelve deep thinkers over at The Edge have a series on risk after the Fukushima disaster. I won’t try and reproduce the complexity and subtlety of their arguments, but risk […]

The potential implications of human enhancement is one of the main reasons why I’m at CSPO, so I was excited and a little worried when the trailer for Limitless appeared. […]